As a commercial cleaning company, we know that disinfecting surfaces is a crucial part of maintaining a clean and healthy workplace. However, there are many surfaces in an office that are often overlooked when it comes to disinfection.

  • Keyboards and Mice
    Keyboards and mice are used every day by office workers, but they are often forgotten about when it comes to disinfection. These surfaces can harbor a lot of germs and bacteria, especially if multiple people are using them. Make sure to disinfect these surfaces regularly to keep everyone healthy.
  • Coffee Pots and Water Coolers
    Coffee pots and water coolers are popular gathering spots in an office, but they are often overlooked when it comes to disinfection. Make sure to disinfect the handles and surfaces of these appliances regularly, especially during cold and flu season.
  • Cell Phones
    Phones are another high-touch surface that can harbor a lot of germs and bacteria. Desk phones and cell phones are often forgotten about when it comes to disinfection, but they should be included in your cleaning routine. Make sure to use a disinfectant wipe or spray to clean the surfaces of these devices.

At My Cleaning Service, we understand the importance of disinfecting all surfaces in an office. That’s why we offer comprehensive cleaning services that include disinfecting all high-touch surfaces, even the ones that are often forgotten about. Our experienced professionals use EPA-approved disinfectants and follow the latest cleaning protocols to ensure that your workplace is clean and healthy. Contact us today to learn more about our cleaning services and how we can help keep your workplace healthy, clean, and protected.